Chi siamo
EPTA – A multinational Group specialising in commercial refrigeration, Epta operates globally
through its brands Costan (1946), Bonnet Névé (1930), George
Barker (1928), Eurocryor (1991), Misa (1969), Iarp (1983), Knudsen Køling (1961) and Kysor
Warren (1882). On both the domestic and international markets, Epta is a partner capable of
producing and marketing complete refrigeration systems, thanks to the integration of specific product
ranges including traditional, vertical and semi vertical positive fridge cabinets, negative vertical and
horizontal cabinets, built-in units (plug-ins) for the Retail and Food&Beverage sector, mid- and highpower units, and coldrooms. Based in Milan, it boasts different production sites, both in Italy and
abroad, far-reaching technical and sales forces located worldwide guaranteed by over 40 direct
Current annual production is around 230,000 units, with revenues of 908 million Euros in
2020. The Group’s systematic Research and Development activities, together with the skills and
specialisation provided by each individual brand, allow Epta to anticipate the most modern and
current trends in meeting retailer’s needs, helping the Client to achieve ever higher levels of
One of the secrets of Epta’s success is its staff: a continuously developing team of over 6.000
Chi cerchiamo
Required profiles and skills for candidates :
• Epta needs people with strategic vision, entrepreneurial acumen and skilled with capability to
live the business in its full dimension
• Epta needs people to be ready for the delegation
• Epta needs people who drive the changes required by the organization; self demanding and not
reluctant to demand outstanding performances
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Numero dipendenti
2.000 in ItaliaSedi aziendali
o Sede Legale: EPTA S.P.A. in Via Mecenate 86 – Milano (MI)o Sede Operativa: EPTA Unità Locale di Limana in Via degli Alpini 14 –
Limana (BL)
o Sede Operativa: EPTA Unità Locale di Solesino in Via dell’Industrie 257
– Solesino (PD)
o EPTA- Unità Locale di Casale Monferrato in Via Achille Grandi, 43–
Casale Monferrato (AL)
o EPTA- Unità Locale di Pomezia in Via Monachelle Vecchia 7 – Pomezia