
Chi siamo

Our Italian history began in 1974, when our big family acquired Birra Dreher. Since then, we have continued to believe in this country. Birra Ichnusa SpA, the current brewery in Assemini (CA), was acquired in 1986, while Partesa, a company specializing in Ho.Re.Ca. sales and distribution services, was established in 1989. The Pollein brewery (AO) was also acquired in the same year. In 1995 the Comun Nuovo brewery (BG) joined our Group, now the largest in Italy, producing 2.7 million hectolitres of beer every year. But only in 1996, with the acquisition of Birra Moretti, did Heineken Italia reach its current size.

Chi cerchiamo

Ing. dell’automazione, Ing. Chimica, Ing. Informatica, Ing. Meccanica, Economia, Statistica e Giurisprudenza.

Aree di inserimento: Supply Chain e Commerce.




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Sedi aziendali

Sede legale in Valle D’Aosta -Pollein - Località Autoporto
Sede Operativa Lombardia - Sesto San Giovanni (MI) - Viale Edison, 110

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