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Scienze Umane e Sociali
Scienze Politiche
We live in a globalized world where our lives are ‘overlapping communities of fate’. The MSc in International Relations is designed to train graduates with a solid multidisciplinary background, which is essential for analyzing and interpreting the economic, sociological, legal, historical and ethical aspects connected to the current and past architecture of international society. This is a two-years degree. In the first year, students receive a shared foundational training in economics, economic geography, political theory, international law, demography, and the quantitative analysis of international data sources. In the second year, students can choose between two different curricula: “Economic and Cultural Integration” and “Diplomacy and Security”. Their choice of curriculum, coupled with several optional courses and with the final thesis project will allow students to fashion their degree path in unique ways and to hone in on those aspects, and disciplines connected to the study of international life that they deem more relevant for their future careers.
The Master Degree in International Relations is aimed at training skilled professionals with a multidisciplinary and flexible intellectual background that will contribute to the international dimension and processes of businesses, non-profit organizations, international and local NGOs and public institutions. More specifically, the degree is suitable for those who wish, among other potential options, to pursue career paths as market analysts or marketing professionals working in the private sector, consulting, human resources, middle- and upper-level positions within national and international public or governmental institutions, non-profit or so-called ‘third sector’ organizations.
In order to be admitted to the MSc International Relations, students should possess relevant training in the social sciences and solid knowledge of the English language (at least B2 level). Within the Italian context, graduates from degree classes L-16 and L-36 can gain access automatically. Students who have a different educational history can still gain admission to the degree provided they have obtained a sufficient number of credits (48 Cfu) in disciplines that are connected to the core elements of the MSc International Relations. Knowledge of the English language should be officially certified and will be tested through a colloquium at the beginning of the degree.
Admission procedures for international students: Admission | International Relations | Italia (international-relations.net)
Following from the degree structure just outlined, students can select one among two available paths within the general framework provided by the MSc International Relations. Furthermore, both in their first and second year (and for both curricula), students can freely select an elective or optional course of their choice. In addition, in their second year (once, again, for both curricula), students can choose between two foreign languages (Arabic or Chinese). Finally, students can further tailor their degree contents to their own interests through their ‘Thesis’, namely, their final test to obtain the degree.
During their first or second year, students can apply for internships, in Italy and/or abroad.
More information can be found here: Studenti | Università Federico II (unina.it)
During their first or second year, students can also apply, through the Erasmus+ program, to study abroad (generally, for one semester).
To complete the MSc International Relations students are required to write a final Thesis. Students will have to find a supervisor and agree with her/him the contents and methods to be employed. Supervisors have to be selected among those teaching within the degree course. The thesis will be the object of a final oral presentation. The length and structure of the thesis will vary, but the thesis should be considered a substantial piece of research-oriented work.
The Department of Political Science (DiSP) offers a service to guide prospective students in choosing their degree program. At the Information Desk, open from Monday to Thursday from 10:00 to 13:00 and, only Tuesday and Thursday also from 14:00 to 17:00, you can have information on registration, admission test, tuitions and fees and more general information. Every year in spring, the Information Desk organizes “OrienTiamo“, an initiative aimed at the presentation of the department’s facilities, the degree programs and the DISP’s faculty that has involved thousands of students over the years.
Information Desk
Erimina Morone
e-mail: scienzepolitiche.orienta@unina.it
tel. +39 081 2538249
SKYPE: scienzepolitiche@outlook.it (Tuesday and Thursday from 15:00 to 17:00)
During their study, students can benefit of the support of the “counsellors” of the Information Desk to be directed in the choice of the different specialization, for the final project request, for communication with the teachers and the administrative offices. The DISP also makes use of tutors for the organization of integrative activities of teaching in order to facilitate the student’s academic career. A member of our staff will always be available to illustrate the curricular internship opportunities activated at DiSP.
Each year, the DiSP organizes seminars and workshops to guide and strengthen personal and professional resources including soft skills workshops, advice for the preparation of CVs and cover letter, simulation of selective processes, work orientation workshops, meetings with companies. In addition, every year, the DiSP organizes the Job Meeting, a job fair dedicated to the meeting between students, companies and organizations.
More information can be found here: Orientamento | Ufficio Orientamento Disp Unina | Italia (orientamentoscienzepolitiche.net)
Bar exceptions connected to the current pandemic; matriculation procedures normally take place between September 1st to October 31st of each academic year. More information about matriculation procedures and how to pay fees
For international students, especially those who will require a visa to enter the country, applications are examined on a rolling basis and results should be made known according to the calendar provided within the call for the admission at the following link:
Admission | International Relations | Italia (international-relations.net)
The academic year is organized in semesters. Teaching usually takes place from the end of September to mid-December (first semester), and from the beginning of March to the end May (second semester). The main exam sessions are in January and February for the first semester, and in June and July for the second semester. Special exam sessions are also available in September before the beginning of teaching, and in December before the Christmas break.
The updated exam calendar can be found here: Calendario Esami di Profitto | www.scienzepolitiche.unina.it
Teaching takes place from Monday to Friday, from 08:30 a.m. to 06:30 p.m.. However, efforts are made to concentrate the MSc International Relations lectures over 3 or 4 days.
Updated lecture times are available here: Calendario dei Corsi | www.scienzepolitiche.unina.it
The oral discussion of the final thesis usually takes place at the end of each exam period (see above).
An updated calendar of the final thesis discussion sessions can be found here:
Responsabile per i Tirocini: prof.ssa Annachiara Rotondo; tel. 0812536216; e-mail: annachiara.rotondo@unina.it
Segreteria didattica: dott. Bruno Balestrieri; tel. 0812538299; e-mail: segrescienzepol@unina.it
Via Leopoldo Rodinò 22, 80133 Napoli
Degree Website: International Relations | www.scienzepolitiche.unina.it
Departmental Website: www.scienzepolitiche.unina.it
The names of the holders, the contents, the objectives, the methods of carrying out and verifying each individual course are detailed by the individual departments of reference:
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