Laurea I Livello
Scienze della Terra, dell'Ambiente e delle Risorse
The programme at a glance
The LM in Volcanology is a two-year programme, divided into four terms. The first three terms are devoted to both mandatory and optional courses, held by leading scientists both from Napoli University and INGV – Vesuvian Observatory. These courses consist of synchronous lectures, practical discussion sessions, laboratory and PC assisted experimental phases and several days of field working, mostly in the Neapolitan active volcanic areas. The final part of the programme consists of a research project, which involves original research summarized in a written thesis under the supervision of one researcher from University Federico II and /or INGV – Vesuvian Observatory.
The two year program equips you with in-depth theoretical and experimental knowledge and skills on the physical and chemical processes that control behaviours of volcanoes and their related hazard. It provides you with a complete picture of the geological, geochemical, petrochemical and geophysical aspects, concerning both the dynamics of the volcano system and the monitoring of its activity.
The active volcanoes in the Napoli area turn into open-air labs for enabling hands-on training and the development of a wide range of skills and abilities, such as acquisition, processing and interpretation of quantitative field and/or laboratory data; application of basic mathematical and statistical tools to the description of physical processes; geological mapping, collection, interpretation, representation and spatial analysis of data; volcanic hazard assessment; proficiency in critical analysis of scientific material from a variety of sources.
Job opportunities
You will be called upon to study the past behaviour of volcanoes, contribute to probabilistic hazard estimates, monitor active volcanoes, assess their physical state and predict the evolution of their activity. Moreover, you may be asked to process geochemical and geophysical data sets to model the volcano system and assess its impact both on a local and global scale. You will gain proficiency in disseminating the correct information on the status of a volcano in pre-alarm phases or ongoing crises.
The main job opportunities following the complection of the program are to work for government agencies in hazard management, to work for volcano observatories, or in the commercial sector for either geotechnical companies or risk management and reinsurance companies. After graduation you can take the Italian national exam to become a professional geologist. You can apply for PhD programs both in Italy and abroad, and for a second level master, offered by national and international academic and research institutions.
Admission to the programme and prerequisites
In order to be eligible to apply you need:
– Bachelor’s (3 years minimum) in Geology, Physics or Chemistry or equivalent degree.
– Alternatively, you must hold a minimum of 60 ECTS in geology, mathematics, chemistry and informatics related subjects.
– Alternative careers or academic backgrounds will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
– English proficiency certification internationally recognized with the minimum level of language skills required in B2 (Fourth level of English within the Common Europen Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR).
If your English language proficiency level is not officially recognized, a placement test can be provided by teachers of the course.
For Italian students, please see https://www.segrepass1.unina.it/Welcome.do
For foreign students, please see http://www.international.unina.it/admission-regulation/ with reference to SECOND CYCLE DEGREE PROGRAMME (LAUREA MAGISTRALE – LM)
The first term (Sept-Jan) of the first academic year is devoted to mandatory courses. Starting in the second term (March-June) of the same year some optional courses can be chosen from a list. The choice is completely up to the student, and should be done in accordance with the student’s inclinations. In the first term of the second year the last optional course is scheduled. The last term is devoted to research for the final dissertation.
1st Year
Choose 12 credits from the following optional units
2nd Year
Choose 6 credits from the following optional units
The Master’s Degree Course in Volcanology aims to provide student with high-level proficiency concerning the volcano system and its functioning. The main purpose is to establish a solid theoretical basis which, supplemented by technical knowledge and practical skills, contributes to form a competitive professional profile specifically for physical volcanology and geophysics in active volcanic areas.
The main topics dealt with are:
– analysis of the complex volcano system through the application of basic methodologies, like surveying in volcanic areas and routinary laboratory analyses, integrated with the most up-to-date tools for the acquisition, management and processing of geological and volcanological data
– mineralogical-petrographic analysis of intrusive and effusive igneous rocks and pyroclastic products
– geophysical and geochemical methods for monitoring and surveillance in active volcanic areas
– models of volcanic deformation and simulation of transport and emplacement processes of volcanic products
– volcanic hazard assessment over different time horizons, for emergency management and land-use planning
– up-to date tools for interdisciplinary actions devoted to the planning, design and coordination of emergency management plans in active volcanic areas.
– geological heritage in volcanic areas
The course aims first to consolidate basic knowledge in volcanology, including volcano-tectonics, and magmatology. Particular attention is paid to field survey methods, for which the Neapolitan volcanic area turns into an open-air laboratory. Students will experience how models based on fundaments of physics, chemistry and fluid dynamics provide insights into how and why volcanoes erupt. They will also learn how to infer processes occurred during volcanic eruptions from their products. As to Geophysics, particular attention is focused on seismology and prospecting in volcanic areas. A specific focus is devoted to fluid geochemistry, which converges with the analysis of seismic signals and of signals from the geodetic network, in monitoring volcanic activity, a topic for which the INGV-OV researchers’ decadal experience proves fundamental. Furthermore, students are provided with the opportunity to deal with landslides typical of volcanic areas, or volcanic geoarchaeology and geosites. To round off the training course, topics concerning hazard assessment in areas of active volcanism are addressed.
The students are expected to carry out an internship at the INGV-OV or at other INGV offices dealing with volcanology and/or geophysics in volcanic areas as well as at other foreign volcano observatories. Italian Civil Protection offices in Rome are also available to host Volcanology students for internships. This internship familiarises students with a suite of tools and techniques for analysis, including statistical methods, fieldwork methodologies, and monitoring tools. For students that do not need to attend Italian language courses, 6CFU of additional traineeship activities can be recognized upon request to the LM committee.
Fornire una sintetica descrizione delle attività di tirocinio curriculare, con specifico riferimento a:
Periodi di formazione all’estero – Programmi ERASMUS > International exchange programmes (Erasmus programme)
International exchange programmes are planned in the frame of the Erasmus programme. The updated list of partner universities is in preparation
The first term (Sept-Jan) of the first academic year is devoted to mandatory courses. Starting in the second term (March-June) of the same year some optional courses can be chosen from a list. The choice is completely up to the student, and should be done in accordance with the student’s inclinations. In the first term of the second year the last optional course is scheduled. The last term is devoted to research for the final dissertation.
The final thesis (24 CFU) develops the student’s capability in independent research and will be an opportunity for students to work on active research questions closely with academic staff and PhD students.
Under the guidance of a supervisor, the student will design and carry out a research activity, using research tools and numerical models and /or geophysical data. The student will write a scientific report for the final assessment.
The LM in Volcanology is involved in main orientation meetings for incoming students organized by Federico II and SPSB, even though specific actions are also carried out. Most initiatives are scheduled at www.orientamento.unina.it and http://www.scuolapsb.unina.it/index.php/homea. As a general rule, each year in the second half of May the meeting Magistrali@SPSB takes place.
Tutoring and counseling during the two–year course is entrusted to all the teachers and to the PhD students involved in volcanological and geophysical research programs. Tutors provide students with a committed, sustained, one-to- one relationship that will help them overcome the possible problems encountered during the whole of course.
The LM in Volcanology is involved in main career orientation and job placement meetings organized by Federico II and SPSB, even though specific actions are also carried out with the contribution of INGV and other involved stakeholders.
The courses are held at DiSTAR (Dipartimento d Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse), Monte Sant’Angelo Campus Builing 10, Via Vicinale Cupa Cintia 21 – 80126 Naples, where also the library and the student bureau are located.
You can reach the campus by bus from the Campi Flegrei metro station (Linea 2 Trenitalia), from Mostra station of Cumana railway and by several private buses from other towns in the neighborhoods of Naples. INGV-OV will host students for internships in the headquarters of Via Diocleziano, 3 km far from the campus site.
Sito web del Corso di Studio > https://www.volcanology.unina.it/
Sito web del Dipartimento > www.distar.unina.it.
Sito web della Scuola > www.scuolapsb.unina.it
Sito web di Ateneo > www.unina.it
Portale Orientamento > Orientation website https://www.orientamento.unina.it:443/
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